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A Blind man's skills
So there was this blind mind, he went to a restaurant near his house and asked for a menu in braile.
The waiter told him that they didn't have one, so the man said "No problem, just bring me a spoon that was used in a meal today, I'll
choose my meal from that"
The waiter got surprised by the request, but proceeded to bring the man an used spoon. The man put it in his mouth, and after a few seconds he said
"Hmm, shrimps and greek rice, and palm three salad, I'll have one of this please, thanks."
The waiter was REALLY surprised that the man was able to define the meal by tasting the spoon.
Over the week the blind man came to the reataurant and the scene was always the same, tasted a spoon and ordered a meal : "Strogonoff" ,
"Barbecue" , "Curry Chicken".
One day the waiter thought "I'll play a joke on this man" he went to the kitchen and asked Margareth, his wife, that was one of the
restaurant's chief's servent "Margie, take this clean spoon and put it...well...put there, right where you are thinking..." The
woman thought the request was funny, and the both had a good laugh on it, she put the spoon in there and returned it to the waiter.
The waiter handled the spoon to the blind man, the man inserted it in his mouth, wondered a few minutes, then said to the waiter "Oh, come on !
Don't tell me Margareth is working here ???"
the wizard
Posts: 198
Registered: 10-16-2002
Location: washington d.c/ my bedroom
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Mood: ask me later
when kids ask me how does santa clause live forever, i tell them "it's because he drinks blood".
if life deals you lemons, why not go kill someone with the lemons(maybe by shoving them down his throat).
it's too bad that whole families have to be torn apart by something as simple as wild dogs.
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Registered: 5-5-2004
Location: Orlando
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Mood: coming down!
HEE hEE haa haa
Peace,Love,and Happiness }!{