Spiritwalker Site Forum


Real Astbury Girrrl - 3-22-2003 at 11:25 PM

I heard these songs ....they're pretty cool-what do you think about 'em?

1) Make It Right-Billy Duffy and Econoline Crush collaboration-classic Duffy at its best.

2) Ape Messiah-Zilch & Ian-i LOVE this one--its fuckin incredible!! :cool::cool::cool:

Young man blues - 3-23-2003 at 05:24 PM


I have the complete record......of ian astbury and ZILCH ! IS VERY CRAZY !!!!!
mix of : cult/spirit ligt speed/prodigy/rap......and oriental music ?

5 tracks..............with ian on vocals !

. hide and seek
. ape messiah
. make motherfuckers wake up [strong !]
. techonomotorpsychositer
. virusmaker number 7.1 [wonderfull !!!]8)

whats it called?

Real Astbury Girrrl - 3-23-2003 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Young man blues

I have the complete record......of ian astbury and ZILCH ! IS VERY CRAZY !!!!!
mix of : cult/spirit ligt speed/prodigy/rap......and oriental music ?

5 tracks..............with ian on vocals !

. hide and seek
. ape messiah
. make motherfuckers wake up [strong !]
. techonomotorpsychositer
. virusmaker number 7.1 [wonderfull !!!]8)

oh- i thought they were a couple of singles.....what is the name of the album?

Young man blues - 3-24-2003 at 04:59 PM


Hello , real astbury girl :P:P

Your informations from ZILCH :


;) enjou this ok !!!!!!

Young man blues - 3-24-2003 at 05:07 PM




Young man blues - 3-24-2003 at 05:07 PM


~Snake~ - 11-27-2006 at 09:24 AM


[Edited on 11-27-2006 by ~Snake~]